Your trusted partner!

The main activity of the company “Hercinvest” Ltd. is real estate investment and turnover. Our activities include the selection and purchase of construction land, design of facilities, planning and organization of construction to the execution of works on a turnkey basis with the basic motive to satisfy the wishes of customers within the deadline and quality of construction.

Hercinvest d.o.o. is also open for the purchase of interesting locations for the construction of residential buildings. If you are the owner of such a location, you can contact us or look for us in the official premises.

On our site you can find information about projects that we have successfully implemented, projects whose implementation is underway, the offer of available apartments for sale etc.

General information

Company registration number: 11041124

VAT certificate >> download here 

Unique identification number >> download here

Decision on Registration >> download here

Authorized person: Olja Milivojević

Bank Account - Payment instructions